Advent & Christmas at Westminster 2024
A Quilted, Cozy Advent – Rev. Michelle Robinson
The word Advent comes from the Latin adventus, meaning “coming” or “arrival.” Life, with all its losses and struggles continually demands fresh hope. Advent’s call to wait, to reflect, to hope is a reminder that life is not borne through our own frantic striving but through God’s persistent presence.
This year at Westminster we are looking forward to a cozy, quilted Advent season. Maybe it is just me, but I’ve been feeling the need to curl up with some warm socks, a warm cup of coffee (tea or hot chocolate, if you prefer) and a cozy blanket and be reminded of what too often feels elusive: that God is good, Love abounds and there is always reason for Hope. So when I saw the visuals that had been put together by “A Sanctified Art” for Advent involving quilt squares and words of blessing, I said, “Yes. This.”
A quilt is a patchwork of many pieces, and Advent offers us the opportunity to gather the scraps of our lives—our weariness, our hope, our worries and joys—and lay them before God. We wait, trusting that God’s hand is at work, slowly, quietly stitching the pieces and frayed edges together into a pattern that is meaningful…whole…complete.
The birth of Christ is not an event relegated to the past—Christ’s first coming—but speaks to the ongoing arrival of God’s grace into our lives, our families, our communities, again and again and again. The quilt of God’s grace is always being sewn, stitch by stitch. When our season of waiting is over, we will see the quilt’s beauty—our lives and our world sewn together in Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. May it be so.
Quilt Square Graphic design by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman | A Sanctified Art LLC |

Advent Services
December 1 – Advent 1, Hope – 10:30am
December 8 – Advent 2, Peace – 10:30am
December 15 – Advent 3, Joy – 10:30am
December 15 – Lessons & Carols – 7:00pm
December 17 – Longest Night – 7:00pm
December 22 – Advent 4, Love – 10:30am

Advent 1 – Hope
December 1, 2024
Worship with us at 10:30am at Westminster or online.

Advent 2 – Peace
December 8, 2024
Worship with us at 10:30am at Westminster or online.

Advent 3 – Joy
December 15, 2024
Worship with us at 10:30am at Westminster or online.

Lessons & Carols
December 15, 2024
Worship with us at 7:00pm at Westminster or online.

Longest Night Service
December 17, 2024
Worship with us at 7:00pm at Westminster.

Advent 4 – Love
December 22, 2024
Worship with us at 10:30am at Westminster or online.

Christmas Services
December 24 – Family Christmas Service – 4:30pm
December 24 – Family Christmas Service – 6:30pm
December 24 – Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion – 10:00pm
December 29 – Christmas 1 Good News of Great Joy – 10:30am
January 5 – Celebrating Epiphany – 10:30am

Christmas Eve Family Service – December 24, 2024
Worship with us at 4:30pm or 6:30pm at Westminster or online.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion – December 24, 2024
Worship with us at 10:00pm at Westminster or online.
Friendly Visitor’s Cookies
Drop off Monday December 9
Before 1:30pm
Our Friendly Visitor team makes cookies each year to bring to those unable to leave their homes and those who could use a warm reminder that they are so very loved by God. This year the Friendly Visitors will gather on Monday December 9 to deliver gift bags of cookies in the community.
If you would like to participate by making cookies, we invite you to drop them off at the church office before 1:30pm on Monday, Dec. 9. Please label the cookies “Friendly Visitors”
Interested in helping with this ministry by being a friendly visitor? Contact Paul Kneebone at
Durham Outlook for the Needy
Tuesday December 10
from 3:30pm – 6:30pm
Contact: Paul Kneebone
Durham Outlook for the Needy serves a low-cost, hot, nutritious meal in a dignified manner to an average of 150-200 people in need daily from 4:00pm – 6:00pm, six days a week.
Westminster’s team of volunteers help serve the meals and clean up after the patrons leave. Our Westminster team is on duty the 2nd Tuesday of every month from 3:30pm – 6:30pm, alongside other volunteers from Faith United Church in Courtice.
Christmas Hampers
Christmas Hampers – Tags Available!
It’s that time of year – Christmas Hamper Tags are available as of Friday November 8, 2024 (online) and on Sunday November 10 (in-person) at church!
Applications to receive hampers have been collected through our food bank, The Pantry, and are now closed. We have had a significant increase in applications this year and a record number of children under the age of 18 within the families.
If you are planning to make a financial donation instead of taking a tag, please consider doing so by the first week of December and mark them for “Outreach”.
There will be lots of opportunity to participate in this ministry – stay tuned for more details! Should you have questions please don’t hesitate to contact
Thank you in advance for your generous support of the Westminster United Church Christmas Hamper Outreach Ministry.
Tags Available
November 8 – December 1
Available for selection after Sunday worship or by contacting
Requests can be made for: Child/Adult Tags, Gender and/or Age.
Gift Return
December 7
12pm – 4pm (gym doors)
Drive-thru of bringing gifts purchased to Westminster.
Volunteers gather and organize gifts for hamper recipients.
Hamper Delivery/Pick Up
December 8
After worship
Volunteer drivers deliver hampers to recipients.
Mittens, Hats, and Socks
Brrrrrrr! Wet mitts, soggy socks and cold heads. It’s that season again when everyone needs warm mittens, socks and hats to help us through the cold and snowy days. Westminster is once again collecting NEW mitts, socks and hats for all ages, children to adult, male and female.
The collection will be every Sunday in December. You will see decorated baskets in the narthex as you come into the church. Please place your items in the appropriate basket.
In early January the Outreach Committee will be delivering your gifts to the following agencies:
- The Refuge
- Bobby Orr Public School
- Gate 3:16
- Durham Outreach for the Needy
- Denise House
Poinsettia Pick Up
Order by November 15
Pick up on November 30
9:00am – 10:00am
Order your Christmas poinsettia’s for the holidays between October 20 – November 15!
8″ & 10″ poinsettia plants $25 & $35
8″ & 12″ mixed planers $22 & $35
6″ cyclamen $15
Order after worship or inquiry via email to Janice at
Pick up at Westminster on Saturday November 30 between 9:00am – 10:00am at the gym doors.
ADVENTure Day!
Sunday, December 1
12:00pm – 2:00pm
For more info contact: Michelle Alston or Susan P
Let’s get ready for Advent! “Let every heart prepare him room!”
Come for an exciting family event! Children and Youth with their adult/guardian guide to attend an event of craft making to celebrate ADVENT! Lunch provided. No cost but registration is required.
►► Register Here! ◄◄
Cozy Advent Craft Night
Tuesday December 3
7:00-pm – 8:30pm
Gather for a cozy evening of creativity and community to help us get into the Advent spirit! We’re coming together to arrange beautiful fabric triangles into square designs, that will later be sewn together into a decorative quilt to be displayed at Westminster.
ZERO SEWING EXPERIENCE REQUIRED – we’ll provide everything you need! There will be pre-cut fabric pieces which you can arrange to create your own unique quilt square designs. Each square will be a blend of vibrant colours, textures, and patterns.
It’s the perfect way to unwind, get creative, and contribute to a custom quilt that will give our church walls a beautiful cozy feel for the Advent season.
UCW Christmas Potluck
Come one, Come All
– Women of Westminster United Church –
You are invited to the U.C.W. Christmas Potluck Dinner on
Monday December 2nd, 2024
in the Founder’s Room at WUC
Gathering and appetizers at 5:30pm – Dinner at 6:00pm
Please bring one of your favourite dishes of: a main course or a salad or a dessert to share with it’s list of ingredients.
If you desire: Christmas Donations are being gratefully accepted for Westminster’s own The Pantry –
- Suggested personal care items: sanitary pads, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair shampoo for adults & children, hair conditioner, body or shower gels, bar soap other than Irish Spring, body lotion, and deodorant for men & women
- Food Items that are always in demand: Ritz crackers, instant coffee, canned legumes, canned vegetables, Kraft dinner, peanut butter, dish washing soap, cooking oil, canned meat, pasta sauce, 1 litre juice cartons, granola bars, and snacking cups (pudding cups/fruit cups)
Please R.S.V.P. on or before November 30, 2024 to Susan P. as space is limited.
Advent Labyrinth
Wednesday December 4
7:00pm – 8:30pm
The Labyrinth Circle of Westminster United is pleased to announce that the Labyrinth will be open Wednesday December 4 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the sanctuary.
During advent we celebrate hope, peace, love, and joy. As we approach the holiday season many of us may feel complex emotions including fear of an uncertain future. The labyrinth walk allows us to pause and take note. As we travel along a calming path, we can allow ourselves to clear the mind and reflect more deeply on the divine presence within.
Long ago the shepherds stood in a field frightened and weary when the Angels first appeared to them with the message “Be not afraid.”
You are invited to come for a walk and open your heart to Gods’ great love that is alive both within and all around us.
Dinner Social
We are sorry for the last minute change. Unfortunately this event has been cancelled. But don’t worry! We will reschedule for the new year!
Wednesday December 4
Melanie Pringles – 80 Thickson Rd S, Whitby
There was so much FUN & LAUGHTER last time that we’re doing it again! Our next Social Gathering is on Wednesday December 4 at 7:00pm. We will be at Melanie Pringles in a quiet corner at the back. Reservation is under “Margaret” or “Westminster”. Again, group appetizers are on us!
There are 20 spots so kindly RSVP to Hoping to see you there to meet & greet our friends from the pews!
Youth Cookie Bake Off!
Grades 6 and 7: Thursday December 5, 7:00pm-8:30pm
Grades 8-11: Thursday December 12, 7:00pm-8:30pm
What better way to celebrate the season than to bake some Christmas cookies! Come for a fun evening of fellowship and homemade goodies!
►► Register Here! ◄◄
Scouts Christmas Drive-Through Parade
Friday, December 6
6:30pm – 8:00pm
Sponsored by the 11th Whitby Scouts In Partnership with Westminster United Church
Come and be part of something special, all in the comfort and warmth of your vehicle.
This is the fourth year that the 11th Whitby Scouts have hosted this evening of light in support of The Pantry, which helps to feed our community and those in need.
This is a drive-thru only, and for safety reasons no one will be permitted to get out of their vehicle.
Food donations will be collected by a member of 11th Whitby Scouts. The 11th Whitby Scouts, Cubs, and Beavers will be creating unique decorated “Floats”. Stop by to say hello and support this wonderful family event and your community.
Stew for Stewardship
Sunday December 15
After worship in the gym
The Stewardship/Finance Committee would like to thank everyone at Westminster for your generosity and dedication to this community of faith. Come and join the Food Guys and the Stewardship/Finance Team for a hot bowl of stew and some fellowship after service on December 15.
There is still time for you to return your Intentional Givings form if you have not already done so. Thank you for your generosity and support of our 2024/2025 Fall STEWardship Program!
This will be a chance to get to know each other better and take a break from the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. Four hearty stews will be available including vegetarian and gluten free options. A free will offering will be gratefully received.