Renting Space at Westminster

Thank you for your interest in renting space at Westminster! Our church building is accessible and is located on a main public transit route. We have a variety of rooms and spaces that fit varying needs and parking for 110 vehicles. If you are interested in renting space for your organization, please fill out the inquiry form below and someone from our rentals volunteer team will get back to you.

Room Information
Rental Rates
Conditions for Use of Facilities
Inquiry Form

Room Information

For tours, please fill out a rental inquiry form.

Capacity: 330 people
3,530 ft2 approx.

Founders Room
Capacity: 40 people
600 ft2 approx. (8’x45’x25’x35’)

Capacity: 300 people
2340 ft2 (36’x65’)

Youth Room
Capacity: 30 people
425 ft2 (17’x25’)

Room One
Capacity: 30 people
324 ft2 (18’x18’)

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Rental Rates

Payment can be made via cheque, e-transfer, or for recurring rentals we provide the option of automatic monthly withdrawal. Renters must procure their own liability insurance and agree to abide by the Conditions for Use of Facilities.

We have folding tables and chairs that are available for use. Renters are responsible for their set-up and clean-up.

RoomHourly Rate8-Hour Day
Founder’s Room$60$360
Youth Room$60$360
Room One$50$300
(Staging Only, No Equipment)
$30 Charge
Audiovisual$65 Hourly Charge
$65 Hourly Charge
Room Set-Up$65 Daily Charge
Key Deposit
(If Required)

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Conditions for Use of Facilities

Additional terms and conditions may apply in select situations.

  1. All activities carried out on the church premises must be in keeping with the beliefs and operating principles of Westminster United Church and the United Church of Canada. The church reserves the right to reject applications it deems to be in conflict with these principles.
  2. This agreement is subject to the availability of the facility for the date(s) and time(s) requested and maximum attendance shall be governed by Fire Regulations.
  3. Westminster United Church reserves the right to reassign The User to another room(s), reschedule or cancel The User’s session based on unforeseen circumstances on any given day. The church will strive to provide reasonable notice of these changes if possible.
  4. The User agrees, at their cost, to maintain its own liability insurance for the amount of not less than $2,000,000 throughout the duration of its use of WUC facilities. A copy of evidence of liability insurance must be provided to Westminster United Church upon firm booking.
  5. The User shall be responsible for any personal injury or damage arising from any cause whatsoever, or for the loss or theft of any articles of the organization or its participants, or of any articles of any guest, pupil, player, spectator, or other person who may be in the premises.
  6. The User must pay for any damages to the facilities or furnishings, however caused, arising out of or during the use of the facilities under this agreement. The user may not remove, alter, or move any items within the Church interior or exterior premises unless authorized by written permission. An additional charge may be applied for violation.
  7. The User shall be responsible for any applicable fee for an unnecessary triggering of an alarm, such as fire or police, including a WUC administration fee.
  8. The User shall ensure that the utilized space is left each day in the same condition it was found. Should extra cleaning be required following use of the facility, a custodial hourly fee of $40.00 per hour shall apply and be billed separately.
  9. If the User fails to vacate the rented space as scheduled, Westminster United Church reserves the right to bill additional time in hourly units.
  10. Westminster United Church bears no responsibility for any items left stored on the premises. Items are stored entirely at the user’s risk. Prior approval must be obtained prior to storage of any kind.
  11. No advertising is to be displayed or affixed to any part of the church facilities, ground, or premises without express written authorization from Westminster United Church.
  12. The organ and audio-visual equipment (sound system, overhead projector) can only be used after permission has been obtained and there is an extra fee. Please book the Tech committee well in advance of your event.
  13. The sale of any items by The User at the church must fall within the guidelines of Church policy money shall change hands in the Sanctuary.
  14. No smoking or alcoholic beverages are allowed on the church premises.
  15. The user is asked to respect the “Scent Free” policy of Westminster.
  16. The User shall ensure that it complies with all public health directives issued by the Provincial and Municipal authorities.
  17. If food is provided, the user shall be responsible for compliance with provincial or regional safe food handling requirements.
  18. Westminster strives to be an environmentally friendly facility. Users are asked to use recyclable, environmentally friendly products and to segregate food waste from the garbage stream. Throwing confetti or rice is not allowed. If cleanup of confetti or rice is deemed necessary, a fee of $40.00 per hour shall apply and be billed separately.
  19. Unless otherwise arranged in advance, the building must be vacated and returned to its original state by 9:30 p.m.
  20. It is the responsibility of The User to ensure all garbage is tied up in bags and the premises and equipment left in the same condition as it was found.
  21. The User/Group is welcome to use the parking lot at the risk of vehicle owner.

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Inquiry Form

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