Lent and Easter

For the 40 days of Lent we are invited to reflect. This season is about the space we create to notice what we’ve been filling our lives with instead of God. As we journey toward the cross, we carry the awareness of not just our own mortality, but also that of Jesus whose pain was real, just like ours.

Easter is a wonderful celebration but we can’t rush past the hard stuff. So we go through Lent and are honest about what it means to be fully human, trusting that hope is always somewhere nearby.

We hope that this programming guide will inspire you to explore opportunities to enter into this Holy Season, to connect with others and God.

-Rev. Michelle Robinson

Ash Wednesday
March 5 at 7pm
Followed by the Lenten Labyrinth at 7:30pm
Luke 9:51-62
Jesus Turns to Jerusalem

Lent 1
March 9 at 10:30am
“Stranger and Neighbour”
Luke 10:25-42
The Good Samaritan

Lent 2
March 16 at 10:30am
“Rest and Growth”
Luke 13:1-9; 31-35
Lament over Jerusalem

Lent 3
March 23 at 10:30am
“Lost and Found”
Luke 15:1-32
Lost Sheep, Coin, Son

Lent 4
March 30 at 10:30am
“Insider and Outsider”
Luke 16:19-31
The Rich Man and Lazarus

Lent 5
April 6 at 10:30am
“Righteousness and Mercy”
Luke 18:31-19:10

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Palm Sunday
April 13 at 10:30am
“Shouting and Silence”
Luke 19:29-40
Triumphal Entry: Beginning of Holy Week

Maundy Thursday
April 17 at 7:00pm with communion
Luke 22:1-27 The Last Supper

Good Friday
April 18 at 7:00pm
Luke 23:32-47

Early Morning Easter Service
April 20 at 8:30am
Outdoor service, weather pending
with participation by our Confirmation Class.

Easter Sunday Breakfast
Join us for a lovely Easter breakfast between the 8:30am and 10:30am Easter services made by the Food Guys!

Easter Sunday
April 20 at 10:30am
Luke 24:1-12
“Grief and Hope”

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Lenten Study “The Hurt We Carry, The Hope We Find”
Thursdays 7:00pm – 8:30pm In Person, Youth Room at Westminster

A 4-week Lenten Study from the Everything Happens Project

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday with the words,

“you are dust and to dust you shall return.”

For 40 days we face the truth: life is fragile, and so are we. This study will explore the meaning of the season of Lent through scripture reading, video clips, reflection and discussion.

March 20 – Being Human (2 Corinthians 5:20-6:10)
March 27 – Resistance (Luke 4:1-14)
April 3 – Lament (Luke 13:31-35)
April 10 – Imagination (Isaiah 55:1-12)
April 17 – Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00pm

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Online Lenten Study with The United Church of Canada
A 4-week Lenten Study from the Everything Happens Project

Something Sacred — Lenten Study 2025

Tuesdays at 1:00 – 2:00 pm ET, March 11 – April 15, 2025

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Lenten Resources For Kids
Book recommendations from Rev. Michelle Robinson

Faithful Families for Lent, Easter and Resurrection: Simple Ways to Create Meaning for the Season by Traci Smith – January 2022
This is the book I got for my family for this year after I saw it recommended by a few authors I follow. Included are some fun and easy practices for making the season meaningful as we seek to share the deep mysteries of Lent, Easter, and Resurrection with our kids. There are also some theological notes for parents on addressing the violence of the crucifixion and the meaning of Jesus’ death.

Spark Story Bible Devotions for Kids
Published by Sparkhouse Family August 2016
This gets a lot of use in my house. It can be paired with The Spark Story Bible if you have it, but verses can be read from any bible you have. These devotions journey through 100 different Bible stories with questions for reflection, key verses, prayers, and family activity ideas. The New Testament devotions include stories from Jesus’ ministry, including parables, miracles, and his death and resurrection.

Make Room: A Child’s Guide to Lent and Easter
by Laura Alary – January 2016
Another favourite of our family. This book invites children to encounter Lent with all their senses, and to experience activities in Lent as part of a life of discipleship. The suggested activities are connected to the story of Jesus and encourage us to make room for God in our lives and in the world around us.

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WUC’s Lenten Devotional Books

Congregants have participated in writing Lenten reflections that have been compiled into downloadable booklets. Click the button to download a copy for personal use.

A Lenten Daily Devotional from the Everyday Project

Easter and the resurrection is such a great celebration but we can’t rush past the hard stuff–the grief, the regrets, the messes we can’t untangle. That’s what Lent is about. A time we are honest about what it means to be fully human, trusting that hope is somewhere nearby. Here’s a daily guide:

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Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

There will be a Pancake supper in the gym on Shrove Tuesday, March 4th 5:30pm – 7:00pm. Voluntary donations will be accepted the door.  All are welcome! There will be pancakes and sausages for all, and activities for the children. See you there!

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We can sometimes feel ourselves walking in metaphorical wildernesses in our lives. Feeling alone, adrift, apart, or lost? Come find comfort at the quiet centre.

Our sanctuary contains a labyrinth. On Wednesday March 5 from 7:30pm – 9:00pm, we welcome you to walk the path to the centre in prayerful meditation. The sanctuary will be a peaceful space glowing with candlelight. Space for conversation and reflection is available in the founder’s room after your walk.

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Youth Event – Cards For Our Community
March 20 from 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Want to spread some joy to residents of a local nursing home? Come out tonight and make homemade cards to be distributed for Easter! There will be cookies for you too! No experience is needed, just you and your creativity. Sign up and help us bring a smile to a stranger!

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Easter EGGstravaganza

Our exciting Easter EGGstravaganza will take place at Westminster this year for our children 12 years and under. On Saturday April 19 from 10:00am – 12:00pm we will have crafts, games and Easter treats! Don’t miss the Easter Egg Hunt at 10:15 am!

We’re looking forward to an EGGcellent EGGstravaganza!

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Annual Congregational Meeting

Westminster United Church will be holding its Annual Congregational Meeting (ACM) on March 2, 2025. We will have a light lunch of sandwiches and soup in the gym following worship prepared by the United Church Women and the Food Man Group. The meeting will begin at 12:15pm in the sanctuary. The 2024 Annual Report will be presented at the ACM and the meeting is a great opportunity to learn more about your faith community.

Please register if you will be attending in person.

If you are unable to attend in person the meeting will be live streamed via YouTube here.

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Westminster Planning Meeting

You are invited to attend a meeting after service on March 30, 2025 to learn more about the Westminster draft plan 2025 – 2027 and to provide your input and support.

Please attend and let us know your thoughts. Coffee, Tea, Juice and muffins/scones will be served. We anticipate the meeting being about 1 hour in length.

To prepare for this meeting, some thoughts on Lent:

Rather than a time of “giving up” things, can we start to take on new things during Lent? Lent is a time to make change in our lives, sometimes by giving something up and also by looking to renew our faith. How do we renew our faith – by practicing prayer, using a devotion or joining a bible study and also through good works or deeds. Consider what you can do for your church, your community, your faith as we move into Lent. Consider that as far as good works or deeds – no work or deed is small.

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Easter Sunday Breakfast

Join us for a lovely Easter breakfast between the 8:30am and 10:30am Easter services on Sunday April 20 prepared by the Food Guys!

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Easter Memorials

Easter is a time to remember our friends and family who have passed on. At Westminster, we honour them with Memorial Donations that are acknowledged in the Easter Sunday e-mail blast and the monthly Westminster World newsletter. This year, we would also like to include photos of your loved ones that keep them forever in our hearts.

Funds raised are used to purchase beautiful spring flowers to decorate the sanctuary on Easter Sunday. Following the service, these flowers are then distributed to members and friends in need of some cheering up as they may be ill, in hospital or long-term care; have been experiencing difficult times; or recently lost a loved one. The list of recipients is compiled by the Ministry and Office staff, the Wellness Committee and the Friendly Visitors. Any remaining flowers will be delivered to someone who is newly identified and needs remembering. If you know of someone who would appreciate a gift of flowers, please notify the church office, preferably by e-mail at wuc@westminster-uc.ca or if necessary, by phone.

Memorials – New Process!
•The memorial listing must be sent to Olivia Wild at oliviacwild@gmail.com
•In the Subject line type: EASTER MEMORIALS
•In the message include the name(s) of the donors along with who you are remembering.
•If you would like to include a photo with your memorial, please attach a copy.

Donations will be received now until April 13.

Via e-transfer to wuc@westminster-uc.ca. Make security question = “EASTER” (please use all caps) Make security answer = “MEMORIALS” (please use all caps) Please also include the following in the message line: “for Easter Memorials”
Via cheque or cash. Place your cheque or cash donation in an envelope, and either drop off at the church office or place in the offering plate during Sunday Service. Please indicate “Easter Memorials” and your name on the envelope (both are important!)

Any memorial funds remaining from the purchase of flowers will go to Westminster’s Local Fund. The full amount of your donation will be included on your 2025 tax receipt.

If you are able to assist with the delivery of flowers on Sunday, April 20, or if you would like more information, please contact Crystal Smith at crystal.a.smith55@gmail.com.

Receiving the potted plants at Easter brings heartfelt joy and blessings to the recipients, reminding them that they are part of our family. Please consider donating today.

With thanks from The Wellness Committee

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Learning Event with UCC Moderator (in Lindsay)

Saturday, April 5th, 1:30 – 4:30 pm

United Church Moderator, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Carmen Lansdowne leads an inspiring learning event: “Flourishing in Faith, Church, Community and Leadership”. Location: Cambridge St. United Church in Lindsay, ON

This event is open to everyone from High School age and above. As the event concludes, pizza will be served for those who wish to remain a little longer.

A group will be attending from Westminster including our confirmation class. If you would like to attend please let us know by Friday March 21, 2025 by filling out the online registration form (below) or by calling the church office, 905-723-6442

Additional information:

  • This event is FREE for High School and College/University age people
  • Older adults may make a free-will cash contribution to help cover costs

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