Annual Congregational Meeting

Annual Congregational Meeting 2024

This years Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on
Sunday March 3, 2024 at 12:00pm
(Lunch provided in the gym after worship before the meeting begins for those attending in person.)
All members and adherents of Westminster United Church are welcome to attend.
**Childcare is available**

If you are attending online, preregistration is required.
Please register via Eventbrite.
A link to the Zoom meeting will be automatically sent via email by Eventbrite when you register.

At the annual meeting, the congregation or pastoral charge is responsible for

  1. Electing a chair and a secretary of the annual meeting
  2. Receiving the annual reports from the governing body, committees, and other groups in the congregation or pastoral charge
  3. Electing the governing body, regional council representatives, and members of the committees
  4. Approving the 2023 Financial Report
  5. Considering and making a decision on the draft annual budget for 2024
  6. Acceptance of Trustee resignation and election of Trustees

Agenda for the Annual Congregational Meeting – Sunday March 3, 2024

Let us Gather:
1. Call to Order and Welcome: Shane Suepaul
2. Lighting the Christ Candle, Opening Prayer and Moment of Remembrance: Rev. Michelle Robinson
3. Motion re: voting privileges
4. Motion to nominate a Chairperson
5. Motion to nominate a Secretary
6. Motion to accept the agenda
7. Motion to accept the minutes of March 5th, 2023 Annual Meeting

Our Ministry:
8. Minister’s Comments: Rev Michelle Robinson
9. Minister of Faith Formation Comments: Cathy Shaw
10. Minister of Music Comments: Linda Hunter
11. Council Chair Comments: Shane Suepaul
12. 2023 Financial Report and 2024 Budget: Paul Pierson
13. Motion to accept the Financial report for 2023
14. Motion to accept the Budget for 2024

We offer Ourselves:
15. Motion to Accept 2023 Annual Report as published
16. Nominating Committee Report: Shane Suepaul
17. Motion to Accept the resignation of Trustees – Wendy Ekker
18. Motion to approve new Trustees – Ron Motum
19. Outstanding, New or Other Business
As We Go into the World:
20. Motion to Adjourn
21. Closing Prayer: Rev Michelle Robinson