
“God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work.”
2 Cor. 9:8

Why Give?

The ministry of Westminster United Church is supported by people like you. Worship, pastoral care, programs for children and youth, community events, and outreach are only made possible through all of our commitments and offerings. Giving a portion of our time, energy, and financial resources for the life and work of the church is part of how we grow in faith, give thanks to God, serve others, and cultivate a spirit of generosity.

Ways to Give Your Offering

  • PAR – complete the PAR Authorization Form and submit to the Office Administrator or Treasurer
  • Envelope (cash / cheques) – Sundays in the collection plate or drop off to the church office during the week (or send via snail mail if cheque) Need more envelopes? Click Here.
  • Debit/Credit Card Terminal – Sundays before and after Service
  • EFT – send to
  • Canada Helps

Why Give Using PAR?

PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) allows you to support Westminster through an automatic monthly withdrawal from your bank account, or a charge to your credit card. Besides being convenient for you, the donor, it also saves time and effort because of automated donation tracking. Using PAR ensures regular monthly giving to Westminster’s ministries even when you are not able to attend in-person worship. You will be providing our congregation a dependable flow of contributions, which increases our overall financial stability and ability to plan for the future. You can notify the office (905-723-6442) at any time to increase, decrease, or cancel your contribution. Complete the PAR Authorization Form and submit to the church office.

Other Ways to Contribute

  • Join a small group
  • Join a committee
  • Help with outreach initiatives
  • Assist with church programs for kids, youth and adults
  • Help take care of the church facility
  • Participate during worship as a greeter or scripture reader
  • Pray for one another, our community, and the world